Personal Documents You Should Shred and What Should be Kept

Holding on to boxed papers because you believe you “may” potentially need it can take up unneeded space. Knowing what is important and should be kept, and what can be disposed can be a baffling decision. Once its sorted out, there is a simple solution, shred it.


What to Keep

Physical copies that are related to state or federal matters should be saved and stored away.  Overall such files are difficult to replace, and time affected when requesting them from a government agency.  Easy access to them is required for a lifespan.
Such papers include:

  • Certifications
  • Licenses
  • Deeds

Documents to Keep Recent

Organize these documents for stress-free access, because they could be needed throughout the year. It is also beneficial to scan them for a digital version.
Such papers Include:

  • Social security statements  
  • Annual insurance policy statements
  • Retirement plan statements
  • Tax receipts
  • Home improvement documents
  • Medical bills
  • Pay stubs and bank statements
  • Warranty receipts

What to Shred

Anything that has personal information such as your name, address, phone number, social security number, or bank account information.

  • Such papers include
  • ATM receipts
  • Credit card receipts
  • Bills / airline tickets

It is also essential to shred expired credit cards or forms of IDs. This job can be made easy with a few hours help from Shred-All at your door step. Live with less clutter and feel safe knowing you have your files collected in a safe place.